Tuesday (20/2) SIBA KLASIK Village held a launch event for Refill Store, an activity that attracted the attention of 60 participants from multisteakholders. Such us, the Head of Sidokumpul Village, Environmental Agency (DLH) Gresik, ECOTON, PATTIRO, RDEE Gresik, Schools, Pertamina Lubricants and Youth Communities.

Refill Store provides a system of buying and selling household necessities in bulk form, including liquid detergents, cooking oil, floor cleaners, dish soap, soap, detergent powder, shampoo, cloth nappies, clothes liners and fragrances, and softeners. When customers purchase household needs, they use reusable containers provided by the store or bring their own containers to reduce the use of single-use plastics.

That way, Saifudin Efendi as the Head of RT.02 RW.05 SIBA KLASIK Village at Sidokumpul Village, invites the community to reduce single-use package, especially sachet waste from household products.

“We are trying to take the initiative and encourage the reduction of single-use package like sachet through the refill store figure which is an economic movement that fulfils household needs through the REFILL concept,” he said.

He added, In order to realise zero waste for the reduction of single-use package like sachet, we cannot be alone. The role of the local government through DLH Gresik to echo areas like this, “he added.

Meanwhile, Umaya from DLH Gresik said that his party already has regulations for plastic waste.

“We already have Gresik Regional Regulation No.3 /2021 concerning Restrictions on Single-Use Plastic to control plastic waste. Through this SIBA KLASIK village, it can be applied in the RT or RW area, even if necessary at the village or kelurahan level,” he said.

In addition to launching the Refill Shop, there are also other activities, namely community education to educate the public about the dangers of using plastics, starting from the life cycle of disposable plastics from extraction to processing to disposal is very threatening to life because of the dirty and unhealthy plastic manufacturing process, “explained Umaya.

Met at the same place, ECOTON Executive Director, Daru Setyorini urged residents to stop the consumption of disposable plastics for the good of the future.

“The refill shop is expected to make people change the bad habit of using disposable plastic in their daily lives by returning to the old habit of using organic materials or bringing their own containers to reduce disposable plastic waste”, she said.

This activity was also welcomed with pride by the Head of Sidokumpul Village Muklisun and hoped that the community could minimise waste.

“The biggest hope after the Refill Store is that people in Sidokumpul Village can get used to a minimal waste lifestyle and make the SIBA KLASIK village an example for other villages. And urge RT and RW heads to bring their own drinking bottles when meeting in the village,” he explained.

The launching activity ended with the signing of commitment support from multi-stakeholders to succeed the Refill system or refill household products in Gresik regency.

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