
Together we can

Hallo ECOTONERS, we open the opportunity to become VOLUNTEERS for students / general / all river activists, who have the spirit of high volunteerism to participate in every ECOTON activity.


  1. Care about river issues and other environmental issues
  2. High voluntary spirit
  3. Have interest in the fields of Research, Education, Advocacy, and Environmental Damage Recovery
  4. Aged 15 years and over and there are no gender restrictions

Registration Procedure:

  1. Registration is done online through Google Form
  2. Fill out your identity through the Registration Form (http://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScaHU1EHTHwezl5V9fLmaMn4TrRFdAuXlksycmKRX5XNtRJlQ/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1)
  3. VOLUNTEER who has sent their identity will receive confirmation from ECOTON Secretariat by Phone, SMS, Email, WA, which explains that VOLUNTEER has been registered.
  4. After being registered, VOLUNTTER will routinely get notifications via Phone, SMS, Email, WA to take part in a number of activities.
  5. If anyone doesn’t understand, please chat via ECOTON Official Whatsapp: 082150009012.

Let’s register!

    Jenis Kelamin
    [group group-119][/group]

    Minat Bidang Volunteer
    [group group-564][/group]

    Dengan ini saya menyetujui menjadi VOLUNTTER ECOTON dan bersedia mengikuti kegiatan sesuai bidang yang diminati, serta berkontribusi dalam penyelamatan Kelestarian Sungai.