JAKARTA – Environmental activists from the Ecological Observation and Wetlands Conservation (ECOTON) Foundation conducted a surrogate and brand audit in Muara Angke and Pulau G (14/6). The stacking and brand audit activities aim to identify the waste produced by a producer that dominates the pollution in the environment.
“Brand audit is one way to find out the type of waste based on the packaging brands that are widely scattered in the environment, and the waste should be the responsibility of the producers,” explained ECOTON zero waste cities coordinator Alaika Rahmatullah.
According to research by McKinsey and Co. in the Ocean Conservancy stated that Indonesia ranks second as the country that produces the most plastic waste in the world after China. The increasing production of sachet packaging and single-use plastic poses a threat to the environment because of their nature which is difficult to decompose by the environment.
Five major producers are the top polluters of plastic sachet waste pollution along Muara Angke and Pulau G including Unilever 58 percent, Indofood 14 percent, Wings 14 percent, Santos Jaya Abadi 9 percent, and Mayora 4 percent.
Alaika Rahmatulloh, an alumnus of UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang, also explained that “Plastic sachet waste is harmful to the environment. Physically, plastic sachet waste can be fragmented into micro-particles called microplastics measuring <5 mm, which can be ingested by organisms such as fish, shrimp and even shellfish, while organisms contaminated with these microplastics are dangerous if consumed frequently by humans.
“Chemically, plastic sachets contain hazardous chemical compounds. There are plasticizers that have been confirmed by researchers as hormone-disrupting compounds such as bisphenol-A (BPA), phthalates and so on. BPA is an estrogenic toxin derived from raw materials for plastic production that has the potential to cause disease, it has even been confirmed in several studies that BPA is included as a diabetogenic agent (a substance that can trigger an increase in blood sugar in diabetes). Meanwhile, phthalates can also trigger early puberty, metabolic disorders and organ function. Not only that, there are several dangerous chemical substances contained in the sachet packaging such as dioxins, perlourination compounds, retardants and others”. Alaika added.
“The plastic sachet waste that we managed to collect and this audit is one clear proof that there has been no serious handling from producers in terms of their accountability and compliance with Article 15 of Law Number 18 of 2008 concerning waste management, which explains the obligations of each producer. for the waste generated through EPR (Extended Producer Responsibility) Efforts”. said the coordinator of the Sachet Waste Census, Kholid Basyaiban
“Government Regulation (PP) Number 22 of 2021 concerning PPLH (Organization of Environmental Protection and Management) article 242 explains the obligations of the Minister, Governor or Regent/Mayor for marine pollution and damage originating from land in the form of waste and garbage, the central government and the local government. Regions are also required to provide facilities and facilities that are useful for preventing waste that will cause pollution and damage to the sea in accordance with the mandate of Article 242 paragraph 3 PP Number 22 of 2022 “. And it should be noted that estuary Angke and Pulau G are protected areas which must have zero waste in accordance with the mandate contained in Attachment 1 of PP No. 22 of 2021”. Kholid Basyaiban added, who is the legal and advocacy coordinator for ECOTON.
“UNILEVER producers who are top polluters must become market leaders by being an example of a sustainable industry by redesigning sachet packaging to become less waste packaging, namely reusable packaging with a refill sales system, especially in rural areas and islands far from the city center. and do not have access to proper waste management services from the government,” he explained.