The Nusantara River Expedition Team (ESN) collaborated with the Ciliwung Institute, Monday (13/6/2022). The expedition started from the TB Simatupang bridge and ended at Padepokan Ciliwung Condet Pangkalan Ki Botak Condet. Along the way, more than 1100 trees were wrapped in plastic waste.
Along the Ciliwung trail, we found around 1100 vegetation on the right and left sides of the Ciliwung bank wrapped in plastic waste such as plastic bags and sachets,” said Ciliwung River Cross Coordinator, Alaika Rahmatullah. This Biology alumnus of the State Islamic University of Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang explained that plastic waste and sachets wrapped around trees will become a source of microplastics that pollute the Ciliwung river.

The brand audit activity carried out by the Ciliwung surrogate team found that Unilever’s waste was the most common. The Ecoton Campaign Coordinator, Daru Setyorini, revealed that of the 600 sachets found, the most Unilever sachets were found. Followed by Wings and Indofood. she said, sachets are residual types of waste that cannot be recycled so that they pollute the environment. “It is the responsibility of Unilever, Wings and Indofood to clean up the sachet waste that pollutes Ciliwung,” he concluded.
Reference : https://surabaya.inews.id/read/99249/duh-sachet-unilever-banyak-nyangkut-dan-kotori-bantaran-ciliwung?utm_medium=sosmed&utm_source=whatsapp